+91 8412034567 / 8412004567 drshubhangi@sakshamhomoeopathy.net
Dr. Shubhangi Kaushal (founder of Saksham Homoeopathy Clinic)

Doctor Shubhangi is Highly dedicated towards health and well being of her patients and society at large. She has been successfully practicing for over 30 years and has helped Thousands of patience to live better and healthier life. At Saksham Homoeopathic Clinic,we are keen in providing our patients Holistic treatment i.e.Homoeopathic treatment along with yoga, diet and nutrition, acupressure ,importance of healthy habits as per need of the case. Dr Shubhangi has received many awards for her outstanding work and popularity. However,the words of gratitude from patients and their blessings from heart are the biggest accolades according to her and that makes her happiest . Vision Of Saksham homeopathic clinic is to render services to people from all walks of life And we are keen to help everyone to gain the best possible health through classical homeopathy and our services curated keeping in mind need of the patients. Saksham Homoeopathic Clinic has a wide Patient base in India be from villages,towns or metro cities from India and several other countries. We have been successfully helping people from 5 continents. It gives us immense pleasure to say that from simple common cold or hairfall to complex cases like CKD or neurological diseases, we have been instrumental in managing several thousand cases very well. We have helped people avoid surgeries in several cases of Sinusitis, Recurrent Tonsillitis,uterine fibroid,PCOD,Renal stones,Fibroadenomas.


Our Vision

• To provide world class treatment for all health disorders, acute,sub-acute and chronic ailments.
• To help people in prevention of diseases by strengthening immunity.
Health for everyone.Helping people from all walks of life and reaching out to needy.


Our Mission

• Our mission is to offer Holistic scientific and safest Homoeopathic treatment designed for everyone.
• Make our treatment available to every village,town in India and worldwide through telemedicine.
• Designing our treatment in a way that we can help in every medical ailment, from a simple scratch to all serious ailments.
• Homeopathy has great potential to improve quality of life at any stage of disease. Its our sincere wish and mission to help improve quality of life of all patients,from simplest of chronic ailments to terminal illnesses.

308, Sector 22A Gurgaon, Haryana

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+91 8412034567, +91 8412004567
